Wallcovering Hanging Guidelines
A premium quality, premixed, wallcovering adhesive (ECO-788 clay adhesive or clear adhesive by Roman recommended) should be applied to the back side of the wallcovering, not the wall. For all non-woven wallcoverings apply adhesive directly to the wall (dry hang) Refer to the chart on reserve side for paste recommendations based on wallcovering type.
Do not dilute the paste.
The adhesive should be stored at room temperature (70ºF).
Use of a mildew inhibitor in the adhesive is recommended.
NOTE: Non-woven wallcovering should be dry hung, using the paste the wall method. Allow adhesive to dry and tack up sufficiently, 7-15 minutes, depending on humidity, before hanging the wallcovering.
Wallcovering Type** Lining Y/N** Dry Hang Preferred Paste
Paper Y N Ultra-Clear Strippable, Roman PRO-880
Non-woven N Y Ultra-Clear Strippable, Roman PRO-880
Sisals N N Heavy Clear Strippable PRO-838
Vinyl N N Heavy Clear Strippable PRO-838
Metallic/ Foil Y N Ultra-Clear Strippable, Roman PRO-880
Bamboo N N Clav or Heavy-dutv clear acrvlic
Upholstery Y N Heavy-duty clear acrylic